Information Literacy

Most Influential Person in My Life

 This photo was taken by my friend during Ariana's second concert here in the Philippines on August 21, 2017. (This is me inside MOA ARENA)

 I will describe why Ariana Grande is my most influential person in answering the (5W + 1H QUESTIONS)

Who? (Who is this person?): The most influential person in my life is Ariana Grande.
What? (What aspects did she influence?): Ariana Grande is an American singer and actress. She is my idol and inspiration
When? (When did I realize her influence?): It all started when she released One Last Time as a last single of her sophomore album. After listening to that song it can't get out of my mind because I keep thinking of the way on he she deliver and sang the song and it made me sing that song over months after being released. 
Where? (Where did her influence take place?): Through listening to music.
Why? (Why did she influence me?): She is a good example of being a role model
How? (How did she influence me?): She has a golden heart and she loves her supporters so much.

This is my first ever concert experience and I'm very happy that it was Ariana's. This would be the most memorable day in my life. (HER VOICE IS SO HEAVENLY!!!!)

Stages and Elements of Gathering Information

Information Needs
What information do you need?
On how to do during a typhoon
Source of Information
Where will you get them?
Through internet or in case of black out I myself can be a source of information because I’m also experiencing the effect of typhoon
Access to the information
How will you access them?
Evaluate in formation
How will you check the quality of information?
Reliable Source
Organize Information
How will you organize and store it?
I will take screenshot on what to do during a typhoon
Communicate Information
How will you create and communicate them?
Through posting it on social media and by contacting my relatives


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